How Much Silence Can You Take?
First edition, first impression of How Much Silence Can You Take? by Marie Sjøvold in new condition. Medium format hardback published in 2022 by Journal.
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From How Much Silence Can You Take?
It’s late in the evening on June 1, 2018, and I’ve just logged off from all the social media platforms I usually use – for a whole year. I feel a mix of relief, curiosity and trepidation about what this change will mean for my everyday life. I’ve formulated a few rules I should follow for the next 365 days. First and foremost: Every time I sense the urge to shift my attention to the parallel universe of social media or browse the internet on my phone, I should pause, look around, and take a picture of something in my immediate vicinity. Something I would fail to notice if I were staring at my phone.