Best books by Mark Steinmetz: The top 5 must-have titles by the photographer

Best books by Mark Steinmetz: The top 5 must-have titles by the photographer

5 - Angel City Trilogy (2015)


Angel City West book cover

In this highly personal trilogy we see Los Angels through a young Mark Steinmetz's lens; fresh out of school, living in a studio apartment and surrounded by motels. This body of work, made up of sometimes melancholic and sometimes light and humorous portraits and landscapes would help to define the artist's career and how he found his voice. You can buy the Angel City Trilogy here.


4 - Fifteen Miles to K-Ville (2016)

K Ville photography book cover

Sometimes the places photographed by Mark Steinmetz are fictional. This is the case with K-Ville, which exists between Knoxville, Tennessee and Athens, Georgia. But also, it doesn't.

In this beautifully poetic book, Steinmetz collects portraits and landscapes while moving around the outskirts of this imaginary land. The result is haunting and mysterious, almost dream-like. You can buy '15 miles to K-Ville' here.


3 - Summertime (2012)

Summertime by Mark Steinmetz

Steinmetz shot the photographs in Summertime between 1984 and 1991, back when kids and teens roamed free around their neighbourhoods, riding bikes and climbing trees and jumping into lakes, unsupervised. Free range. This book captures the beautiful feeling of eternal summer, the feeling of being carefree and safe. Beautifully printed on uncoated Japanese stock with 'Daido black' ink, 'Summertime' is printed in a first edition of 1,000 casebound copies. 


2 - Paris in my time (2013)

Paris in my Time by Mark Steinmetz

Steinmetz' mum was born and raised in Paris, which probably sparked an instant connection in the artist, a sort of familiarity that he inherited. The city has been extensively captured by the photographer (and many others!) and this book collects many of the images he took over a period of twenty-five years. The special relationship with Paris is very obvious in the way Steinmetz captured its streets, its parks, the Seine running through the city like veins. The feel of the work is both modern and classical. You can buy Paris in my Time here.


1 - South Trilogy (2007-2009)

South Central by Mark Steinmetz


This is, by far, the most famous and iconic body of work by Mark Steinmetz. The powerful images he captured for the three titles that are part of the Trilogy (South Central, South East and Greater Atlanta) leave in the viewer a heavy feeling of isolation and despair. The black and white photographs in the three books share a timeless quality. You can buy the South Trilogy by Mark Steinmetz here.