Flesh by Inuuteq Storch. First edition, first impression. Paperback (one of 500) in new condition. Signed by Inuuteq Storch to title page. No markings. This is a new book. Please see pictures. PayPal accepted, any questions, please get in touch.
About Flesh
"Flesh is a book about my feelings that combined feeling home and feeling homesick at the same time.
It started when I explored my feelings in New York, where I found out that I felt home spiritually and that I felt homesick in my body. Having a different personality and mentality, New York was perfect to explore my identity. Being from Greenland where nature dominates, unlike my souls, my body missed being close to the nature. Those feelings together created a very specific way of looking at my surroundings, I started to find photos that represent familiar in unfamiliar places, I found myself being in an unfamiliar place and still could find familiar things. As I explore the city, I explored myself as person and artist."
-Inuuteq Storch